
The area of the Chateau in Horni Pocernice

Original state

The Methodist Episcopal Church South purchased the grounds of the chateau with the park and related real estate from the Italian Countess Olga Meraviglia-Crivelli in 1921. In 1923, the social department of the mission was discontinued and the Annual Conference took over the social work. In 1924, the Society for the Care of Orphans was founded, which was responsible for social work in Horni Pocernice, Tynec u Klatov and Poust u Bechyne.

From 1925 the premises served the social work of the church, first as an orphanage and later as a home for the elderly. The complex was nationalized by the state on March 25, 1959. The church was left with the original school (today it serves as a rectory and prayer room) and the house at 13/20 Krovin Square (which the church was later forced to sell).

After the "Velvet Revolution" the premises were returned to the church in 1997. The Church took over the property from the state in a state of disrepair. It was necessary to invest considerable funds to repair the original castle.

The current state

In 1999, the Christian Hepl Center Horni Pocernice (https://www.skphopo.cz) was founded, which uses the Tesko barracks built between 1960-70.

Future state

The grounds of the chateau have been divided by architects into eastern and western parts. In the eastern part there will be a new shelter house and a multifunctional playground, in the western part there will be a chapel, a community center and a home for the elderly

In 2022, the documentation for the zoning procedure will be completed. This will be followed by the preparation of the documentation for the construction procedure. The actual start of construction will begin after a positive opinion from the State building authority.

Project manager

Evangelická církev metodistická

Mgr. Petr Procházka,
Ječná 545/19, Praha 2,
Tel. 777939267,
Email. petr.prochazka@umc.cz

Bank account


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